Friday, June 15, 2012

PGL [post grad life]

have I been a busy bee or what?
(the answer is busy bee, I have  nothing prepared for 'or what')'s time to fill the blogosphere in on what my PGL is like.

I'm back in the city. Back at the teeny- tiny, sweat-your-freckles-off, third floor apartment on Addison. That's kind of big news... but bigger news still...

I signed my very first lease last Wednesday. Our new apartment is a three bedroom (and there's only three of us!) so I'll have my very own room for the first time in years, it also has a dishwasher and a functioning bathroom- so it was basically love-at-first-sight. It's in Avondale, the dowdy cousin of Logan Square, and it's not exactly glamorous- but it's mine. I will have to work my can off to pay rent every month- but it's mine.

Guys are you hearing this? BGB is growing up! It's kind of strange just how accomplished I feel. It's the moments just after the lease signing that really should be entered into some kind of "Grown Up Log"...

I lost my wallet. As in, I'm pretty sure I left it on top of my car (after locking my keys in the car) and drove away. It was a banner day to say the least... and I didn't notice until I woke up for work the next morning.... uh, oh. But, adult that I am, I remained calm and drove (license-less) to work and proceeded to panic. I sobbed in the bathroom to my dad (who was positive I was being held up at gun point based on my hideous wailing) and made a plan to figure it all out. First order of business was cancelling the debit and credit cards and then getting a new CTA transit card. I called too may 1-800 numbers and got that stuff squared away. Then, I prayed in the name of Jesus that my day would go smoothly and no body planned on trying to rob me at gun point (all of Tom's worst fears come true) and I hopped on the red line and got downtown. New Chicago Card in hand, I braced myself for the DMV.... a new driver's license without any identifying information? (Props to Jason at the bank for getting me a 'signature document' to prove who I am!) I was in and out of the Thompson Center in 30 minutes! In total, cancelling my credit and debit cards, replacing my Chicago Card, getting a new Driver's License and buying a really cute new wallet at Target only took me 3 hours. 

I'm sickeningly proud of myself. I think the 'lost-my-wallet' scenario is always one of my worst-case scenario's, so I was amazed at how quickly I could face this challenge head-on.

I don't know why, but I think I have always expected I would hit some kind of glass ceiling of every day successes, like something would just happen and I wouldn't know what to do and I'd end up like Ben Stiller (Uncle Tony Perkis) at the end of Heavy Weights... really creepy and in the back of a hired town car. All my adventures last week point to the contrary, I can do this! I've found and apartment and my wallet. God is faithful, that's for sure.

So that was last week... this week, I've been doing 12 hour days at the YMCA to prep for summer camp. It's miserable and making me sick (really, I can't breathe out of my nose) but today is Friday and I've got a weekend full of DIY projects to keep me busy. 

... that's my PGL.

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