Friday, March 2, 2012

el Fin por Febulous

2012 means we got an extra day of Febulous this year. 
[it actually means we all got an extra day of February, only the poor shmucks that read this blog got an extra day of Febulous.]

My leap day was jam packed with fun (that seems to be a theme for Febulous.) I had the day off from work and I checked off everything from my to-do list (maybe that doesn't make you as happy as me. but it's a big, big deal to me. )

so to impart my last nugget of Febulous into 2012, I'd like to introduce you to the Mom Hang. Mom Hangs are the best. Different than hanging out with your biological mother- this is a hang with women who happen to be moms (or old enough to be your mother), but also happen to be your friends. I don't know where you can pick up a mom to hang with- I found mine at church. : )

Jenny is the coolest person I know. She's got an amazing husband, sweet kids, a beautiful house and at one time she owned the world's fattest cat (no joke, Buster the 30 pound-furried wonder had legitamate sleep apnea. Gross.) Anyway, she had dinner with me on a Wednesday. Too much food and good wine later, we met up with her best Tinley Park girlfriend and mine... it got mom-tastic. Two generations of Tinley Park in one teeny, tiny bar [duh, Teehans.] Couldn't have asked for more. They shared great stories about their kids, and baseball uniforms. We talked about the perils of dating [both online and off] and how we're still not sure we're grown ups. Turns out these "grown ups" don't feel so grown up either. [mom hang magic!]

Hanging out with a mom that's not yours is just the best. You get all the wisdom, insight and ability to pay for dinner but less harsh criticism and weird, over protective crap. There's also the weird piece of me that deep down is a mom. [seriously, i came out of the womb acting about 45.]

Short and sweet today- but go get yo self a mom friend!

**March blogging will start Monday. This month the theme will be "Mabye it's just me..." or "Maury Povich would be an ideal husband because..." [guest posts by Connie Chung]. Thoughts?!**

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