Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fabulous February (&Food!)

Thanks for putting up with the three measly posts I managed for January. I'm hopeful that February will better. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of any decent alliteration for February or Leap Year (Leap Year Lolz is probably only funny in my head.) SO. I'm doing Fabulous February (& Food!) [it is neither fabulous nor contingent on February...] pretty much, it's going to be just like any other blog around here. I'll post pictures of the fabulous food i'm eating [recipes from the pinterest. duh.], the outfits that make me look fabulous [i don't know how to photoshop though, so I'll have to really be lookin' fabulous.] and other warm fuzzy things that come my way.

Today, February 1, I'll gonna give you the scoop on my fabulous internship. 

For my Social Work Practicum, I am interning with the Community Organizing division of the Chicago Coalition  for the the Homeless (CCH). Sweet. My main responsibilities are to organize and escort our homeless leaders to Speaker's Bureau Event [these awesome adults talk to students about their experiences with homelessness. so powerful.], and organize students on campuses across the city to take action on issues surrounding homelessness [if you go to college in Chicago or the burbs and you want to participate-lemme know.]  So that's that. But what made yesterday fabulous was phantom, faux Father Ben (pffb). 

pfFB is never in the office, I met him for the first time yesterday... He's halfway through the 11 year process to become a Jesuit Preist. He's been at CCH for going on three years and he's a phenomenal organizer. Yesterday, we had coffee. ...we had what organizers call "a one-on-one." Those are meetings between organizers and leaders, it's a conversation where you get to the bottom of what makes you angry, what makes you want to work for change and then you dream about how to make changes together. Had pfFB not taken pity on me and invited me to have a one-on-one at Einstein Bros Bagels. I would have completely missed the point. I was just starting to hate organizing, thinking it was just a series of sales pitches to get someone on your team. That's not true, that's not it, and that's not all. pfFB put me in a different head space, he told his story and asked mine. He listened well, he asked thoughfult questions. He told me to do the same, and just relate to people [duh.] ...It was a beautiful vision, it was fabulous. 

Now, onto Fabulous food...

Homemade queso. oringal recipe (as in, i made it up.)

Homemade pizza crust. Rosemary olive oil with Zucchini and
purple onion. topped with "good cheese" #pinterest.
vegan chocolate banana cake. stupid good. (half me/half
vegan baking website.)
oh yeah. me and these psychos made our own bread. EFF YES. 

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