Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"i'm in love alright...

with my crazy beautiful life."

Ke$ha said it best my friends. No shame here, just walked in from celebrating the 21st birthday of one of Tinley Park's finest. Who says Mondays are for homework? Not this girl.

I've got some really great friends that have been causing mass hysteria in the south suburbs for some time. I'm not trading that for the world. Not for my philosophy paper, not for my Spanish project and certainly not for the arduous article I need to read for social work tomorrow.

you are who you hang with.

I've been posting about things I'm ashamed of, but tonight's different. I saw the looks I got as I sauntered in smelling like booze and cigarettes. I smell like a bar because I was at one.

It's ok. I had one drink and was totally cool to drive home. No shame there.
[it's possible. and a lot of fun. so save all that judgin' drama for your mama, Alumni Hall.]

1 comment:

  1. haha one day i will work alumni hall front desk and hi-five you when you walk in.

    one day.
